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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
 Worship Videos 

07/02/2023 Worship A Cup of Cold Water

Matthew 10:40 - 42 What's in a Welcome

07/16/2023 Worship What a Seed Becometh

Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23 The Sower Parable

07/30/2023 Worship   Will the Church Last?

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 The mustard seed and yeast parables

08/06/2023 Worship God Will Make It Work

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 The feeding of the 5,000

08/13/2023 Worship   God Comes to Us

Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus Walks on Water

08/20/2023 Worship In the Heart of Jesus

Matthew 15:10-28 The healing of the Canaanite woman’s daughter

08/27/2023 Worship Questions?

Matthew 16:13 - 20 Jesus Founds His Church

09/03/2023 Worship Death?

Matthew 16:21-28 Jesus the Futurist

09/10/2023 Worship  Conflict!

Matthew 18:15 - 20 Peace as a resolution of conflict

09/17/2023  Forgiveness-God & You

Matthew 18:21 – 35  The Wicked Servant

    5872 Naples Plaza | Long Beach, CA 90803 | PH: 1-562-438-0929
    Ruth Sievert Pastor