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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
 Worship Videos 

07/03/2022 Worship Follower Discipline

Luke 10:1 - 11, 16 - 20 Jesus Instructs How to Market

07/10/2022 Worship The Good Samaritan – Context

Luke 9:51 - 62 Avoiding Familiarity Blindness

07/24/2022 Worship Teach Us a Prayer

Luke 11:1 - 13 The Lord's Prayer - The Genesis/The Meaning

07/31/2022 Worship Shalom and God's Kingdom

Luke 12:13 -- 21 The Lord's Prayer, Part II

08/14/2022 Worship Warning or Mandate

Luke 12:49 - 56 Jesus tells of coming conflict

08/21/2022 Worship Bent Out of Shape?

Luke 13:10 - 17  Jesus is criticized for working on the Sabbath

08/28/2022 Worship Where Do I Sit?

Luke 14:1, 7-14  Parable of Angels Unaware

09/04/2022 Worship How Far Can You Go?

Luke 14:25 - 33 What it takes to be a disciple.

09/11/2022 Worship The Joy of Connection

Luke 15:1 - 10  Is repentance really reconnection?

09/18/22 Worship A Difficult Parable

The Parable of the Shrewd Servant - What does it mean?

    5872 Naples Plaza | Long Beach, CA 90803 | PH: 1-562-438-0929
    Ruth Sievert Pastor