10/24/2021 Worship Stand Still Mark 10:46 - 52 Jesus stops to heal the blind beggar | 10/31/2021 Worship Free John 8: 31 - "But we have always been free." | 11/07/2021 Worship All Saints Sunday A Cloud of Witnesses John 11:32 - 44 Raising of Lazarus |
11/14/2021 Worship Apocalypse Mark 13:1 - 8 The Destruction of the Temple Doom or Hope? | 11/21/2021 Worship Dear Pontius Pilate John 18:33 - 37 Reign of Christ Sunday | 11/28/2021 Worship Look Again Luke 1:26 - 38 The angel's visitation to Mary - Has repetition sapped our amazement? |
12/12/2021 A Song of Defiance Luke 1:46 - 56 Mary's acceptance to the Lord that she will become the mother of Jesus | 12/19/2021 What's In A Name Matthew 1:18 - 25 Joseph ponders whether to divorce Mary | 12/24/2021 The Humility of God Luke 2:1 - 20 The Christmas Story |
12/26/2021 Worship Lessons & Carols A series of readings and carols as to Christmas |